Children will enjoy a safe, environment where they can learn to express themselves and understand their own unique identities. Your child will gain the comfort and confidence to value their individuality, and have fun just being themselves.
We focus on the physical health and well-being of your child so they grow up safe and strong. Motor-skill development, coordination, mobility, and exercise all help ensure your growing child has a healthy body for a lifetime.
infant room
6 weeks to 18 months
We provide a safe and nurturing “home away from home” where your baby can grow and learn every day by exploring and making new discoveries. We are committed to making this first transition away from home easy and natural for you and your child as they take their first steps toward a bright future.
Because each infant is on a different schedule, our teachers create an individual infant plan for every child. Infants are presented with activities that boost their little brains, encourage their first words, build strong bodies and help make new little buddies. Our teachers record all feedings and diaper changes on a communication form for our families so you will know how your little one did throughout the day.
- Engaging with others by expressing needs through babbling, gestures, and facial expressions
- Imitating teachers’ speech rhythms and inflections
- Interacting with picture books, puppets, and photo cards
- Listening to stories, songs, rhymes, and finger plays
- Engaging in sensitive, responsive interactions with the teachers
- Exploring self expression through creative arts and play
- Lifting head, rolling from side to side, and crawling
- Practicing standing and walking with support from teachers
- Coordinating body movements through music and dance
- Exploring the environment through their five senses
- Engaging with objects of different shapes, sizes, and textures
- Experimenting with concepts of spatial orientation and cause and effect
toddler room
18 months to 3 years
As toddlers develop friendships, self-esteem, and curiosity, our program will help them explore their world in a safe and nurturing environment. Our curriculum is based on that young children learn best through hands-on experiences. Each day is filled with fun activities that excite and develop toddlers. We also give you a Daily Parent Communication Report which gives you the information you need about your Toddler’s day.
- Imitating and responding to the words and actions of others
- Identifying and naming familiar items
- Engaging in conversations using pictures and puppets
- Following simple directions and asking questions
- Learning to understand and express emotions appropriately
- Developing strong listening skills through storytelling
- Interacting with peers in a group setting
- Learning about body parts through songs and rhymes
- Crawling, jumping, running, kicking, and tossing
- Gaining enhanced eye-hand coordination through writing, drawing, and lacing shoes
- Learning and responding to own name
- Identifying and sorting basic colors
- Learning cause and effect through trial and error with musical instruments
yellow preschool room
3 years
- Cooperating as a group
- Understanding social concepts such as “please” and “thank you”
- Helping in the classroom with watering plants or setting up snacks
- Taking comfort in using familiar objects
- Expanding the mind by trying new things
- Gaining confidence from success
- Strengthening balance, motor skills, and coordination
- Running, jumping, and throwing
- Recognizing and writing letters and words
- Participating in classroom activities
- Identifying numbers, counting, and estimating items
- Exploring physical properties of water, sand, and paper
orange Pre-K room
4 years to 5 years
Pre-kindergartners are preparing for the adventure of a lifetime in school. Our program is designed to get them ready by teaching letters and words, math concepts, and valuable social skills. Small-group instruction, independent play in an organized atmosphere, and whole-group activities help children gain the right skills to hop, skip, and jump into kindergarten.
- Cooperating, negotiating, and problem-solving with peers
- Recognizing emotions in others
- Making personal choices
- Sharing ideas, thoughts, and feelings with the group
- Gaining large muscle development through obstacle courses, riding bikes, and throwing balls
- Dressing independently by using zippers and buttons
- Gaining spatial awareness by moving to music
- Asking and answering open-ended questions
- Understanding a sequence of events
- Grasping spatial relationships and the concept of time