

Our Infant Program provides a variety of experiences for your young baby. Our well-trained teachers provide responsible care that includes emotional, social and cognitive development. A safe, comforting environment, individual attention, and planned activities create a nurturing environment to explore, discover, and learn.


Our program is designed to provide a caring and nurturing environment where your child can learn and develop through age and developmentally appropriate activities. Beginning friendships are established, language skills expand rapidly and your toddler’s self esteem is supported by offering simple choices and encouraging self help skills. 


We offer two preschool programs (ages 3 years and 4-5 years).
The 3-year old program focuses on emerging skills such as, number, name and letter recognition, learning shapes and colors, and specific fine motor development. This is also an important social developmental period.
The goal of our 4-5 year preschool is to help prepare the students for their transition to kindergarten and help them feel comfortable and confident in making the transition. Particular focus is given to early literacy skills, extended fine motor development, understanding and math concept.
Both rooms are spacious and bright environments with age appropriate learning tools, which make them inspiring places to learn. Our programs have a balance of creative play and teacher created experiences. Each classroom incorporates our theme-based curriculum which focuses on: Math, Science, Literacy, Dramatic Play, Art, Music and Movement, and Sensory Development.

summer camp

Our summer camp makes the most fun time of year even better! We have fun camps for pre-school/pre-k and school-age kids running from June through August. Each week of the summer, we have a theme that we incorporate into exciting field trips, interesting visitors and still continue to learn while having lots of fun!